Stripe Plugin for WordPress using WP Boilerplate

As world wide web has using wordpress a lot to build sites, so wordpress plugin are most in demand.
Behind the paypal, Stripe is the payment method which people like to use for payment. Although Woocommerce has builtin support for Stripe but what is the solution if someone just want a form so anyone can pay using a simple form, may be a charitable organization want to collect donation.

So keeping this in mind I develop a plugin for WordPress Stripe payment which I have build using WordPress Plugin Boilerplate.
You can find source code on my github account, I would love if you want to contribute, want any change in it or even want to use on your site.

Plugin is based on Stripe Strong Customer Authentication API of V3, which is now standard for payment now.

You can visit IDLBridge our website for more to know about our work, IDLBridge mostly work with WordPress and Magento.

Magento Error – Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page?

On local host I was facing this error of user account page,

On stackoverflow most of the answers were to update max_local_vars value, but it did’t work for me.
So the solution worked for me was to set virtual host, on WAMP it is very easy now to set a virtual host, you can search to how to set virtualhost


Was working perfect for me.

Hope it will help you.